Februari 2017

Kamis, 23 Februari 2017

Karya Ilmiah


     Disusun oleh :
Nama: Aditya Arya DiomartRizki
Nim   : 16.11.0238
Kelas: S1 Informatics 04


Iklan online, juga disebut pemasaran online atau iklan internet atau iklan web , adalah metode periklanan dengan menggunakan internet dan World Wide Web dengan tujuan menyampaikan pesan pemasaran (promosi) untuk menarik pelanggan. Internet Advertising, meliputi beberapa teknik seperti iklan kontekstual pada halaman hasil mesin pencari(search engine), iklan banner (banner ads), Rich Media Ads (periklanan dengan melibatkan media interactiv digital seperti audio dan video streaming), iklan jaringan sosial (social network advertising), iklan online berdasarkan klasifikasi (online classified advertising), jaringan periklanan (advertising networks) dan e-mail marketing, serta bahkan e – mail spam. CPM,PPC,CPC dan CPA merupakan bentuk metode kompensasi (pembayaran) yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mendapatkan uang dengan berbisnis online seperti Advertising ini. Dengan kemudahan yang ditawarkan pada bisnis online ini, Online Advertising membuka peluang luas bagi pencari uang tanpa biaya sepeserpun. Dengan bermodalkan ketekunan dan keterampilan blog-ing,maka semua orang dapat masuk ke bisnis online ini.

Latar Belakang
Dunia bisnis berubah sangat cepat karena teknologi bisnis baru yang muncul. Banyak bisnis telah menggunakan teknologi untuk skala dan mendapatkan posisi tinggi di pasar, usaha kecil telah berhasil mendapatkan keunggulan kompetitif atas usaha mapan menggunakan teknologi. Dampak positif teknologi ini pada bisnis telah mengubah permainan bisnis dan dunia usaha menjadi jauh lebih kompetitif dari sebelumnya, sekarang ini sangat sulit bagi perusahaan untuk mendominasi pasar, karena semua orang belum dapat memiliki akses ke teknologi. Komunikasi dan arus informasi telah berubah, dengan teknologi internet, orang dapat memperoleh akses ke informasi bisnis, dan kita semua tahu bahwa informasi adalah kekuatan. Dengan begitu perusahaan dapat memasarkan produknya tanpa batas di dunia. Di masa lalu, informasi yang digunakan dikunci untuk dimanfaatkan oleh beberapa perusahaan, ini membuat begitu banyak perusahaan yang kaya menjadi semakin dan itu sangat sulit bagi usaha kecil untuk mengiklankan produknya. Hari ini, setiap satu klik di internet dapat mengakses informasi tentang pasar yang ditargetkan, kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen, dan banyak lagi.

Kajian Teori
Teknologi Informasi merupakan sebuah bentuk umum yang menggambarkan setiap teknologi yag membantu menghasilkan, memanipulasi menyimpan ,mengkomunikasikan dan atau menyampaikan informasi.(William, Sawyer)
Iklan ialah suatu pesan yang dibayar oleh sponsor dan disampaikan melalui beberapa media komunikasi massa.(Russel & Lane (1990))
Iklan merupakan salah satu jenis teknik komunikasi massa dengan membayar ruangan atau waktu untuk menyiarkan informasi tentang barang dan jasa yang ditawarkan oleh si pemasang iklan.

Kesalahan pada komputer,biasa kita sering jumpai di laptop kita entah itu kerena virus atau kesalahan system tapi dalam era yang canggih ini peretasan system oleh tangan-tangan jail atau yang biasa kita sebut  hacker tidak bias lepas dengan di era modern ini.Berikut adalah cara menghilangkan virus pada computer dan tips and trik meretas suatu system.

Cara Menghilangkan Virus Shortcut di Flashdisk

·         Tancap atau colokan Flashdisk ke komputer kemudian buka Flashdisk tersebut.
·         Klik "Organize" lalu klik "Folder and search options"
·         Aktifkan "Show hidden files, folders, and drives" lalu unchecklist pada "Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)". Jika muncul notice seperti di bawah, Klik "Yes".
·         Nah, biasanya sampai sini folder yang disembunyikan oleh virus sudah kembali muncul. Hanya saja masih berstatus semi-hidden.
·         Untuk menormalkannya kembali, silahkan buka CMD (Command Prompt). Setelah terbuka, ketik lokasi dimana Flashdisk berada, misal: Drive H, berarti ketik H:
·         Selanjutnya, ketikan attrib -s -r -h /s /d di CMD, seperti gambar di bawah. Kemudian tekan Enter.
·          Sekarang cek Flashdisk kamu, apakah semua folder sudah kembali normal lagi. Jika sudah, silahkan hapus folder yang menurut kamu aneh dan tidak jelas.

Cara Mengetahui Sandi atau Password Wifi Orang Lain menggunakan Aplikasi WireShark :

1.      Download aplikasi wireshark disini : WireShark
2.      Setelah download maka jalankan program wireshark
3.      Tekan tombol Ctrl+K (klik capture lalu option)
4.      Yakinkan dan pastikan Interfacenya adalah Ethernet Card anda yang menuju ke jaringan, jika tidak maka segera ganti dan pastikan pula bahwa “Capture packets in promiscuous mode” dalam posisi on
5.      Klik tombol start
6.      Klik tombol stop setelah anda merasa yakin bahwa ada password yang masuk selama anda menekan tombol start
7.      Anda bisa melihat semua jenis packet yang masuk dan keluar di jaringan (atau pada komputer anda saja jika network anda menggunakan Swtich)
8.      Untuk mengetahui datanya kita perlu menganalisis data caranya klik kanan pada data yang ingin di diketahui lalu klik “Follow TCP Stream” dan saatnya kita menganalisis (yang pasti dari data tersebut di dalamnya terdapat informasi yang dimasukkan siempunya wifi ke website dan sebaliknya.
Note : Cara di atas hanya berlaku apabila jaringan anda adalah Hub bukan switch, cara memastikan hub/switch dengan melihat pada kolom IP Source dan IP Destination. Bila pada setiap baris salah satu dari keduanya merupakan ip anda maka dapat dipastikan jaringan anda adalah jaringan switch, bila tidak ya berarti sebaliknya.
2.     Cara Membobol Password Wifi dengan Cara Membobol Router Modem
1.      Hubungkan PC anda ke jaringan wifi yang ingin dibobol passwordnya, check apakah wifinya meminta password atau tidak. jika tidak maka silahkan digunakan jika minta password maka kita harus mengetahui passwordnya.
2.      Buka Browser anda (bebas)
3.      Masukkan ke Address browser anda dengan menggunakan IP atau lalu tekan enter.
4.      Isi User Name dan passwordnya (User Name : “admin” atau “user”, Password   : “admin” atau “user”)
5.      Lalu klik Login
6.      Jika sudah perhatikan di Interface setup, wireless, dikolom atas sudah terlihat password nya
3. Membobol Password Wifi dengan menggunakan Laptop/Komputer
Jika kita ingin menggunakan laptop atau komputer untuk mengetahui password wife maka kita harus menggunakan program aircrack. program ini berguna untuk mengaudit wireless password WEP dan WPA dengan  mengubah kode-kode hasil airodump.
Berikut petunjuknya :
1.      Download program aircrack disini : AirCrack, (mudah-mudahan masih berfungsi)
2.      Kemudidan extract file tersebut ke komputer anda (terserah anda dimana)
3.      On kan wifi anda, pilih jaringan wifi yang ada (pilih yang sinyalnya paling baik)
4.      Lalu buka folder aircrack-ng-1.0-rc1-win
5.      Kemudian buka fodler bin, klik 2x file “wzcook” maka program aircrack akan berjalan dan melacak password dari wifi tersebut.
6.      “key has been stored in c:/wpkey.text. press ctrl-c” pesan ini akan muncul, tekan ctrl+c pada keyboard.
7.      Lalu buka folder c: dan cari file dengan nama “wpkey.text” anda akan mendapatkan passwordnya disana, masukkan passwordnya pada wifi yang kita lacak tadi.

Cara Hack Facebook dengan CMD

Halo kawan setia, kali ini saya akan berbagi tutorial "Cara Hack Facebook dengan CMD" , gimana ... Dari judulnya aja udah serem .. hehe :v ,sekarang banyak orang yg pacaran suka curiga curigaan di Facebook ada Gebetan baru :O . Udah minta Password tapi gk dikasih. Apa lagi yg LDR.an :v , gk takut doi chatan sama orang lain ? Untuk itu  akan mengajarkan Tutorial Rahasia Yang Jarang Di Ketahui Orang Untuk Meretas Akun Facebook. okelah . Langsung cekibrot aja :v

Langkah - langkah :

1.                  Buka FB lalu anda masukke FBnya Target
2.                  Lalu klik kanan di bagian kiri lalu pilih inpect Element
3.                  Cari MD5 di Script di bagian ke1/2 kode MD5 pasti udh tau kan,klau udh tau lanjut,
4.                  Copy Kode MD5-nya lalu paste ke notpad
5.                  udh jitu Buka CMD
6.                  Buka cmdnya 2 bikin bikin 2Server
7.                  ketik ini di CMD''e:program\cain\c-
8.                  md5.exe abcdef ''Tanpa tanda petik
9.                  lalu bikin lgi kya diatas''e:program\cain\c-md5.exe ghijkl
10.              Kode md5nya paste ke CMD yang tadi lalu enter
11.              Tunggu sampe berhenti,klau berhenti,password Ada di bagian terakhir yang Kya gini misalnya [aabbcc] yg itu password nya


Dalam era modern ini kita harus pintar menggunakan komputer dan apabila kita mencoba untuk belajar meretas suatu sistem janganlah cepat patah semangat karena tidak ada system yang aman 100% kita harus pintar membaca peluang yang ada.Agar bisa meretas suatu sistem.

Daftar pustaka

Hack into Facebook at using the command prompt

Nowadays many schools and colleges have blocked the social community sites from accessing them through school computers. The video shows how one can access to these sites using a command prompt.
Follow these steps and access the blocked sites:
1. Go to the start menu and open the command prompt.
2. Type the command ping and then type the website you want to use. Don't add http:// or www. in front of the site For example: Facebook.com
3. After typing the website hit the enter.
4. Once you hit enter button the IP address no: will appear in the form of xxxx.xx.xxx.xxxx
5. Type those no: in the address bar of Internet Explorer and hit enter.
6. Here you go the full Facebook website is available on your screen.
Beside this, there are many other ways are their to access these blocked sites. One may use proxy servers to use this sites there are many proxy servers available such as http://www.vtunnel.com and http://www.kproxy.com

Hasil gambar untuk how to hack facebook with cmd

Selasa, 21 Februari 2017



Now, after downloading the shortcut virus remover tools above, extract it using winrar or any other file decompressor. Then run the “Trojorm Removal tool” first, make sure that you run it inside your flash drive, wait until the scan is complete and press enter. Next, copy the Shortcut Virus fix folder, paste it inside your flash drive or external drive. Then, open it via right-click, choose “open with” and select “notepad”. Look for the H:, change it according to your Flash Drive’s letter (ex. E:, F:, G: and so on).
How to remove Shortcut-Virus
So, if you are done editing, save it. Now double click the vbs file or open it via right-click, choose “Windows Based Script Host”. . .after running the script, shortcut virus must be gone and your files are now visible.
remove shortcut virus Shortcut-Virus-on-Flash-Drive


You should  proceed this method if the first one doesn’t work. This involves a “command prompt”. Now click “start“, “run“, “type CMD” “type the drive letter of your flash drive or external hard disk and a colon after it “eg F:” Once done type this attribute “attrib f:*.* /d /s -h -r -s”. You should see your files now and Shortcut Virus must be removed.
remove shortcut virus using-cmd
Please take note the f: after the attrib, change it with your flash disk drive letter; if your flash drive, drive letter is e: then change it with e:.


Please take note that this guide is for advance users only. I will not be liable of whatever consequences that may take place after following this guide on how to remove shortcut virus via Registry. I am not trying to frighten you but one mistake may affect your PC’s normal operation.
  • Press the windows key + R, type “regedit” to enter the registry.
  • Navigate through HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Run. Normally, you shouldn’t see any key except the default as you can see in the image below. Any key that is unusual such as WXCKYz, OUzzckky and other that ends with VBS, INI, LNK and EXE extension are safe to delete. However, this is a case to case basis, do this in your own discretion. Besides you are the only one who knows what software you install in your computer.
How to remove shortcut virus-from-registry
  • Press the windows key + R again, type “msconfig” click “OK“, in “Startup” tab uncheck everything except your antivirus. Click “OK” and  Restart now”.

How to Hack Wi-Fi Passwords

How to Hack Wi-Fi Passwords

Your intensions when cracking a Wi-Fi password are no doubt noble—we trust you—so here's how to do it.

Chances are you have a Wi-Fi network at home, or live close to one (or more) that tantalizingly pop up in a list whenever you boot up the laptop. The problem is, if there's a lock next to the name, that indicates security for the Wi-Fi network is turned on. Without the password or passphrase, you're not going to get access to that network, or that sweet, sweet Internet that goes with it.
Perhaps you forgot the password on your own network, or don't have neighbors willing to share the Wi-Fi goodness. You could just go to a café and buy a latte and use the "free" Wi-Fi there. Download an app for your phone like WiFi-Map, and you'll have a list of over 2 million hotspots with free Wi-Fi for the taking (including some passwords for locked Wi-Fi connections, if they're shared by any of the app's 7 million users).
But there are other ways to get back on the wireless, though some of them require such extreme patience and waiting, that café idea is going to look pretty good.
Reset the Router
Before you do this, just try to log into the router first. From there, you can easily reset your wireless password if you've forgotten it.
The problem is when you don't know the password for the router, either. (They're not the same thing, unless you set it up that way). Resetting the router is about as brute force a method as you get, and it only works if you have physical access to the router.
Almost every router in existence has a recessed reset button it. Push it with a pen or unfolded paperclip, hold it for about 10 seconds, and the router will change to the factory settings.
If you've got a router that came from your Internet service provider, check the stickers before a reset—they might have printed the router and Wi-Fi passwords (sometimes called the key) right on the hardware.
Once it's reset, you need another password (plus a username) to access the router itself. Generally you can do this in a Web browser of any PC attached to the router via Ethernet—you'll need that since the reset probably killed any potential Wi-Fi connection you had going in.
The URL to type is either or, or some variation. Once you're asked for a username/password, what do you do? Check your manual. Which you probably lost or threw away. So instead, go toRouterPasswords.com. The site exists for one reason: to tell people the default username/password on just about every router ever created.
You'll need the router's model number, but that's easy enough to find on the back or bottom. You'll quickly see a pattern among router makers of having the username of admin and a password of password. Since most people are lazy and don't change an assigned password, you could try it before hitting the reset button. (But c'mon, you're better than that—change the password once you're in the router's menus in your Web browser.)
Once you've accessed the router interface, go to the Wi-Fi settings, turn on the wireless networks, and assign them strong but easy-to-recall passwords. After all, you don't want to share with neighbors without your permission.
Crack the Code
You didn't come here because the headline said "reset the router," though. You want to know how to crack the password on a Wi-Fi network.
Searching on "wi-fi password hack," or other variations, nets you a lot of links—mostly for software on sites where the adware and bots and scams are pouring like snake oil. Download them at your own risk, for Windows PCs especially. Better to have a PC that you can afford to get effed up a bit if you go that route. I had multiple attempts with tools I found just get outright deleted by my antivirus before I could even try to run the EXE installation file.
Or, create a system just for this kind of thing, maybe dual-boot into a separate operating system that can do what's called "penetration testing"—a form of offensive approach security, where you examine a network for any and all possible paths of breach. Kali Linux is a Linux distribution built for just that purpose. You can run Kali Linux off a CD or USB key without even installing it to the hard drive. Another option is BackTrack Linux—they're actually both from the same developers, but Kali is the "polished" version. Both are free and come with all the tools you'd need to crack a network.
If you don't want to install a whole OS, then you could try the two tried-and-true tools of Wi-Fi hackers.
Aircrack has been around for years, going back to when Wi-Fi security was only based on WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy). WEP was weak even back in the day, and was supplanted in 2004 by WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access). The latestAircrack-ng 1.2—labeled as a "set of tools for auditing wireless networks," so it should be part of any network admin's toolkit—will take on cracking WEP and WPA-PSK keys.
Aircrack-ng comes with full documentation, but it's not going to be that simple. To crack a network you also need to have the right kind of Wi-Fi adapter in your computer, one that supports packet injection. You need to be comfortable with the command line (running things using CMD) and have a lot of patience. Your Wi-Fi adapter and Aircrack have to gather a lot of data to get anywhere close to decrypting the passkey on the network you're targeting. It could take a while.
If you prefer a graphical user interface (GUI), there is KisMAC-ng, or there was.The website was not working as of the writing of this article. While KisMAC can crack some keys with the right adapter installed, it's mainly known as a "sniffer" for seeking out Wi-Fi networks. It's the kind of thing we don't need much of these days, since our phones and tablets do a pretty good job of showing us every since Wi-Fi signal in the air around us. Also on the Mac: Wi-Fi Crack. To use them or Aircrack-ng on the Mac, you need to install them using MacPorts, a tool for installing command-line products on the Mac.
Cracking stronger WPA/WPA2 passwords and passphrases is the real trick these days. Reaver is the one tool that looks to be up to the task (and it's part of the BackTrack Linux distro). You'll need that command-line comfort again to work with it, or you'll have to spend $65 for Reaver Pro, a hardware device that works with Windows and Mac. After two to 10 hours of trying brute force attacks, Reaver should be able to reveal a password... but it's only going to work if the router you're going after has both a strong signal and WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) turned on. WPS is the feature where you can push a button on router, another button on a Wi-Fi device, and they find each other and link auto-magically, with a fully encrypted connection. It's also the "hole" through which Reaver crawls. It can generally break the code in about 24 hours.
Even if you turn off WPS, sometimes it's not completely off, but that's your only recourse if you're worried about hacks on your own router. Or, get a router that doesn't support WPS.